
We have a wide range of product categories , working  with forecoming manufacturer  companies all over  the world. Due to your demands, we will be able to  offer the goods to you in the budget requested.


Here are some examples for our range of products:



-Due Diligince ( General,Technical and Financial)

-Medical Products (Disposable 3 ply masks, digital thermometers, disposable coveralls,Covid -19 test kits etc.)

-Agricultural products (Wheat Grade II, Tomate diced, tomato peeled, private label pasta,macaroni    etc.)

-OCC Waste Cartoon

-Food Containers, HDPE etc.

-Soap, private label soap production

-Industrial products (Mini perialstatic pump, manure conveyor belt etc.)

-Textile products

-Private Carpet design and production  (Masjid, hotel,meeting room etc.)

-Frozen products(Turkey Breast, Chicken etc.)